240 发简信
  • CFA I Outline

    I Ethical and Quantitative Methods Ethical and Professional StandardsQua...

  • Hello, Devin

    5:00 你的睡眠程度降至最浅,迎接日出、清晨和新的一天带着扭捏、幻想和今天一定做imitation的决心 7:30 进地铁站的第一件事不是打开...

  • Reading skills (Princeton)

    1. Skimming## Skim the title, boldface type, introductory and summary pa...

  • Chapter 2 Calculate Present Value

    Fundamental formula The interest rate is called compound rate (复利率) This...

  • Chapter 1 Intro

    Investment decisions & Finance decisions Corporations face two principal...