240 发简信
  • Another point to note - "hardly hurt" means not hurt much. It is different from "badly hurt", which means hurt quite a lot and probably the meaning you intended to communicate.

    Chapter 2 --Born A Crime

    2017.10.3 Part 1 Thoughts 看到这一章,越来越喜欢这个妈妈了。在一个黑人女性只能在工厂工作或者当仆人的环境里,ture to her nature她居...

  • Last line could have been better structured to communicate your meaning. Currently it's not clear. Eg. You could rewrite it as "It felt like being thrown out of an airplane, breaking all your bones, recovering, and then hearing that you could have used a parachute "

    Chapter 2 --Born A Crime

    2017.10.3 Part 1 Thoughts 看到这一章,越来越喜欢这个妈妈了。在一个黑人女性只能在工厂工作或者当仆人的环境里,ture to her nature她居...