1.000697 500-1000 <2900点 <2800 2.上证50 200-400 3.计算机 200-400 4.5G 通信 1000...
基金是一种投资工具(产品),是投资机构筹集投资者手中的钱去投资股票、债券、外汇、货币等标的。 货币基金投资标的主要是一年以内到期的债券。这里投资...
1.急需 后面可接 support, assistance, improvement, boost, reform 2.例句 The econo...
翻译 It is alarming that the US suicide rate has been increasing in the pa...
在表达人们应该XX时,即人们缺乏某方面的知识,可用educated 例句: The public should be educated on t...
用于写作中 代替 with X in mind realizing X 用法 Mindful of X 或者 Mindful that. 翻译 ...
翻译 Man and woman should have equal access to education and employment. 造...
释义 a thing that ensures admission to or the achievement of something 1. ...
1.支柱,脊柱,骨干力量 2.勇气,骨气 3.courage and determination He has a crash on Sarah...