Distinguished headmaster and teachers : My name is Siyu Shou, and i come...
Saturday as usual , busy as usual , i will have 6 hours classes today .T...
"Parents are the ones who will never do the least harm to you ." When i ...
Today is the first working day after the long holiday . I woke up at 7:...
today is January 7th by lunar calendar . and it's also the very day on w...
下午四点上完今年最后一节课,今年的工作划上了句号。2017年的最后几个小时,给自己写下这些话, 以纪念逝去的这一年,以开启全新的2018 ;更是...
H1的感悟和收获: 很感谢这样的学习和课程,一阶段我突破了自己主动上台的恐惧,主动在小组里面承担了责任,更多关注到小组成员的变化和进步。 慢慢开...