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    12.1 深圳卡牌大师课程作业 亲爱的萌老师,您好。我是程著,也是之前交课前作业的phoebe。今天上了一整天的课,感觉自己获得了不少东西...

  • April 6

    I am back ~~

  • December 28,2016

    With Mercury in retrograde, it's a good time to have a conversation with...

  • December 27 ,2016

    Nothing special today. I have many things to do. I need to done them bef...

  • December 21,2016

    Nothing special today,I didn't get reply. I feel a little bit nervous

  • December 19,2016

    Still waiting for the reply.nothing special today~

  • December 18, 2016

    Life is perpetual motion. You never know your friend who will be. I hear...