specimens 标本 whereabout 下落 remain a mystery whale 鲸 大量的
①protest n/v 抗议,宣言 ②unveil/reveal 揭露,公开 ③draw attention to ④imprisonment...
Tariff Retaliation 关税报复 exemption/ɪɡ'zempʃn/ n. 免除(税) signed an order 签署...
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comsumer rights消费权 intensify quality supervision强化质量监控 law enforcement法律...
consumer rights消费者权益 quality supervision质量监督 law enforcement执法,法律的实施
i take fancy to you. l turn you on. l get A crash to you.
when i saw you always behind of you
plum trees 梅花树 in full bloom 开得正旺,盛开 thread through 贯穿,穿过;妥善处理… scenic s...