Examine carefully to findimperfections and inadequacies 女人可以衰老,但一定要优雅到死,...
Don't wait for the rest of your life 生气能气出病来,但能气出钱来吗? 把自卑从字典里删去。 相信自己,找准...
Forcing yourself to see morepossibilities 女本柔弱,为母则刚。 标准高,达成的目标才可能高;要求严,得...
Start from scratch andfight for the world 把麻烦及困难当饭吃,谁没有麻烦,是人都会有。 再艰难的困境,...
Not willing to mediocrity 总想争个输赢的人,只会徒增烦恼。 让人三分不吃亏,容人三分无损。 避免无谓的争论,才是真正的...
There's no time Race with time 除了原则性问题,其余都讲究一个“度”字。 不过分亲昵,才能长长久久。 朋友间因为无...
Read ten thousand books and travelten thousand miles 经常久坐、肩膀活动不灵活的人,大幅度绕...
Learning piano is notabout purpose, but about process 环环相扣的人生不存在,人生随时可能起...
If you don't leave a good person, how can you meet the right one 夫妻不怕吵架,...