Out of used to say what causes something 因为,出于......原因 I watched the hor...
Come across to meet or find (something or someone) by chance 无意中, 遇到、发现 ...
Come in 1.以某种形式(颜色,尺寸)销售或生产 Poodlescomein3differentsizes:toy,mini,andsta...
rise和raise都有move upward抬起,向上的一个意思。所以很多人会搞混淆。 其实它们最大的区别之一是结构: raise的结构是: ...
Take up tofill(anarea,amountoftime,etc.)completelyoralmostcompletely 占用 ...
What makes your life happy and healthy? Today I watched an impressive vi...
Take back 1. to return somebody or something收回,拿回(最基本的意思) 2. to cause (s...
Give off to send (light, energy, heat, smell, etc.) out from a source散发(...
give someone or something back tocausesomeonetohave(something)again:tore...