240 发简信
  • 2020-06-19

    每当想要辞职的时候,都会有种被金钱束缚非常无奈的感觉。 看着别人表面好,难道真的就好吗? 看着当老板有钱,你能想象他其实才40出头就满头白发要靠...

  • 2020-06-19

    问题孩子就是问题家长 有些家长不乐意听,但是不可否认“问题孩子其实就是问题家长”。 早期不重视好习惯的培养,没给孩子养成良好的学习和生活习惯,等...

  • 2020-06-19

    天这样蓝,树这样绿,生活可以这样的美丽。 Someone has said life has its ups and downs, but fo...

  • 生易,活易,生活实属不易。

    想一想,人活着真是不容易。生活成本不断提高,竞争越来越激烈。好多年前就有人说,年轻的时候用身体努力工作换钱,老了要用攒下的钱换健康, 可惜有些时...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    有的老板非常喜欢给员工画大饼,有些员工听多了司空见惯,有些员工觉得不靠谱干脆走人了,有些还没觉悟的就要亲身慢慢体会呀。 开会就是画大饼~有的同事...

Many people might have felt writing is monstrously difficult or savagely hard, yet on the bright side what we need to realize is that writing is not a natural gift but a learnable skill which is teachable. Although the shocking illiteracy of some correctable compositions or essays may blow some readers’ mind at first, with unceasing endeavor, conscientious or gritty people who work assiduously, industriously and diligently will surely make enormous progress.