The concepts from Sartre and Heidegger are profound and central to exist...
In Jean-Paul Sartre's existential philosophy, the concepts of being-in-i...
Dasein is a central concept introduced by German philosopher Martin Heid...
Edmund Husserl (1859–1938) was a German philosopher and the founder of p...
William James, often regarded as the father of American psychology, made...
Charles Sanders Peirce’s theory of semiosis and his pragmatic principle ...
Immanuel Kant, an 18th-century German philosopher, profoundly influenced...
卢梭和洛克都是社会契约论的主要代表人物,但他们在伦理学观点和社会契约理论上有显著的区别。以下从伦理学基础和社会契约的具体内涵两方面进行比较: _...
Thomas Aquinas, a seminal figure in medieval philosophy and theology, ha...