I encounter a problem that check which OS is running in my docker contai...
This blog talks about the ways that provide external access to kubernete...
List of some awesome resources for learning: awesome-list awesome-shell ...
This article used to walk you through some commonly awk usages , based o...
在工作中遇到了statefulset不能正常删除的问题,命令一直挂起不能执行得到结果,比如: 解决办法如下,如果在其他namespace中,注意...
在工作中遇到了这样的问题,我需要在运行的容器中访问kubernetes API去实现StatefulSet的扩容(scale up),这必然需要...
平时工作主要使用命令行,在Mac中也提供了相应的复制粘贴的命令,这样省去了很多操作鼠标的时间 参考:http://osxdaily.com/20...