Picking an Item from the Photo Library UIImagePickerController的功能:1.imag...
Taking Pictures and Movies 在我们的code和system两者相互作用中,使用image picker拍摄照片和电影时...
Type Encodings 为了协助(assist)runtime system,编译器(compiler)会把每种方法的返回值(the re...
Message Forwarding 向一个未处理响应消息的对象发送对应的消息,会发生错误。但是,runtime会给这个对象第二次机会来处理这个...
Forwarding methods (as described in Message Forwarding) and dynamic meth...
Dynamic Method Resolution 你可以使用resolveInstanceMethod: 和 resolveClassMeth...
This chapter describes how the message expressions are converted into ob...
Introduction The Objective-C language defers as many decisions as it can...