1.It is a great place to pick up chicks. 在开场的时候,Ellen跟观众说,现在有很多各种各样的奖项,其...
nickiManaj麻辣鸡 1.That is the way to kick off a season. 真的是很激动,ELLEN SHOW第...
1.Anxiety issues,ptsd. 卷福说上次来Ellen被Ellen吓的,这次来真的是感觉很紧张,都有创伤后遗症了。PTSD就是创伤...
1. So I have no relationship whatsoever. 在讲到自己的某段经历时,Maya是这样说的。里面有一个对于我们...
1.I was not sure,but i wanted to put an effort end. Sarah出场的时候跳了一段舞,Elle...
1.And it scared Alison,but then it inadvertently scared Andy. 不得不说,这期Hal...
1.I’ve just been elated since I got to meet you. 在Ellen Show,Ellen经常会请到一...
Rebel Wilson瑞贝尔.威尔森 1.And it scared Alison,but then it inadvertently sca...
1.this is going to sound patriarchal. CCN的记者真的是超级能说会道。当说到Ellen的时候,Jake说在...