5月看完someone else’s shoes, Hello beautiful,额尔古纳河右岸, 完全没按月初的计划。算了,我本来的想法也是...
While I was reading Fairy Tales, someone recommended The Book of the Los...
董宇辉的推荐。 儿子看了书名问:为什么是右岸? 左岸曾经也是鄂温克族的领地,三百年前被俄军侵占,他们渡过了额尔古纳河,在右岸生息,繁衍,打猎,迁...
Finished. Happy ending and emotional. William and Julia and Alice finall...
It’s coming to the end. Sylvia dies and Alice goes to Chicago , where he...
Sylvia is diagnosed with a tumor in her head and she’s dying. William fi...
Time flies. Alice is already a grown-up and Julia is worried about her d...
Sylvia finds out she is actually in love with William (which I saw it co...
William commits suicide after leaving a note and the check his father ga...