240 发简信
  • @wokenshin 而且我加了注册,苹果爸爸还给我拒绝,认定内部应用了,大佬是怎么解释的呢

    3. 2.0 Business: Other Business Model Issues(2018.06.20)

    1.apple 被拒回复We found that your app is an in-house app, intended for employees or member...

  • 我上面说错了 我加了注册还是不行。苹果爸爸依然给我发这个
    During our review, we found that this app was designed for a specific business or organization and not for general distribution on the App Store. Business apps available on the App Store are meant for use by a wide variety of external customers around the world.

    3. 2.0 Business: Other Business Model Issues(2018.06.20)

    1.apple 被拒回复We found that your app is an in-house app, intended for employees or member...