昨天晚上,无聊的时候再看YouTube发现了一个自己感兴趣的节目《三和人才市场》,在好奇心的驱动下我就点开看完, 看完颇为震撼。 深圳,人称中国...
对于text response这种文章大家是否觉得写的非常纠结,不知如何下笔,今天这篇文章就有可能帮到你哦!! 首先,什么是text respo...
Anna Funder'snarrative historical Stasiland explores the GDR's surveilla...
He is a victim of the stasiland,his main activity seems to be feeding an...
Compare the way in which surveillance andinformers are used and impact t...
In (the writer’s) article, (headline)published in (the publication) on t...
If I were a boy again,I would practice perseverance more often,and never...