Done Work 7 hoursEnergyClub - Compare Price Success functionCSS : mobile...
Done Work 7 hoursEnergyClub - Compare Price functionCSS with placeholder...
Been Done Work: 8 hoursEnergyClub: CSS style for Compare Container (5ho...
Been Done Work: 8 hoursResolve Popshop issue(5hours)EnergyClub: planning...
Been Done Work: 8 hoursResolve Popshop issue: throw 500 when there's no ...
Been Done Working 8 hours:PR with FHIR 1.0 DiagnosticReport HL7v2 CDS so...
Been Done Working 8 hours:Barbecue with TeamDoc CDS Deployment Workout:R...
Been Done Working 8 hours: Unison with CDS Testing Workout:Running 30 m...
Been Done Learning CloudFormation, Stack and Lambda function for scratch...