240 发简信
  • 开机启动程序错误,提示“正常初始化(0xc0000022)失败”

    转自百度知道 1、造成这样的现象的原因是电脑的windows/system32/下的某个.dll文件没有被注册。 2、如果能够知道哪个文件没有被...

  • 2017.3.5 acm校内训练 day1(北方多校)

      开学第一次训练很荣幸的爆零了,不知道这是这次开学第几次打击了,又是上学期颓了一学期的后果,再次坚定我坚持现在这种作息的决心。   没什么可说...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    多校day1-E.Water Problem(矩阵快速幂)

    题目 思路 fib(i) = f(i - 1) + f(i - 2); fib(1) = 1; fib(2) = 2;f(x + 1) = f...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Wannafly Union #5(c.dp,d.dijkstra)

    原题链接:https://vjudge.net/contest/148523#overview B - Cow Multiplication 题...

  • uva 12100 Printer Queue

    题目  The only printer in the computer science students’ union is experien...

  • uva 1595 Symmetry

    题目 The figure shown on the left is left-right symmetric as it is possibl...

  • uva-10391 Compound Words

    题目 You are to find all the two-word compound words in a dictionary. A tw...

  • 开篇


  • uva-10935 Foreign Exchange

    题目  Your non-profit organization (iCORE - international Confederation of...