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  • 江郎才尽

    The well of inspiration has dried up.Creative well has dried up. 译文:灵感的井已干涸。创意已经枯竭了。 参考...

  • 鹏程万里

    A Roc's flight of ten thousand li-A bright future In the Chinese classic 《Chuangtze》, t...

  • 指鹿为马

    In the reign of Emperor the Second of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.), the prime ministe...

  • 像无人观望一样纵情地起舞

    We always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby...

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    An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans to leave th...

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    翻译整理的这一年国外各大设计网站最火的56套PS教程,建议收藏,转需查阅,练习提升,么么哒。 今夜,西元2016年的最后一天(或许你看到这文章时,已经是2017年啦),又是一...

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    One day, a poor boy who was trying topay his way through schoolby selling goods door to...

  • @EEEEElectric 不要怪我装逼。如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见。


    love This is a controversial issue in our times. Just as a coin has two sides, no side ...

  • 现代的大学生有权利谈恋爱吗?

    love This is a controversial issue in our times. Just as a coin has two sides, no side ...

  • 什么让你快乐的工作

    Choosing to be happy at work means avoiding negative conversations, gossip, and unhappy...

  • @痞范青年 我知道:joy::joy:重要的是内容,不要在意细节


    孩子气 百毒不侵的内心,往往会被一句简单的安慰打败 刀枪不入的伪装,常常在懂你人的面前彻底投降 愿有人懂你的低头不语,小心翼翼守护你的孩子气 十月份的天气像往常一样、农村里的...

  • 120

    孩子气 百毒不侵的内心,往往会被一句简单的安慰打败 刀枪不入的伪装,常常在懂你人的面前彻底投降 愿有人懂你的低头不语,小心翼翼守护你的孩子气 十月份的天气像往常一样、农村里的...

  • 120

    孩子气 百毒不侵的内心,往往会被一句简单的安慰打败 刀枪不入的伪装,常常在懂你人的面前彻底投降 愿有人懂你的低头不语,小心翼翼守护你的孩子气 十月份的天气像往常一样、农村里的...