练习材料: [Day 1486 2018-10-21] Lesson 14 Do you speak English? I had an amusing experience...
练习材料:[Day 1485 2018-10-20] Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys The Greenwood Boys are a group ...
练习材料:[Day 1484 2018-10-19] Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck Our neighbor, Captain Charle...
问:什么是五十肩? 答:五十肩,又叫漏肩风,是肩部周围肌肉组织慢性损伤性炎症,多发于在五十岁左右,故称“五十肩”。本病多因气血不足,营卫不固,风寒湿邪侵袭肩部经络,气血运行不...
练习材料: [Day 1483 2018-10-18] Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another I was having dinne...
练习材料:[Day 1482 2018-10-17] Lesson 10 Not for jazz We have an old musical instrument. It...
练习材料: [Day 1481 2018-10-16] Lesson 9 A cold welcome On Wednesday evening, we went to th...
练习材料: [Day 1480 2018-10-15] Lesson 8 The best and the worst Joe Sanders has the most be...
练习材料: [Day 1479 2018-10-14] Lesson 7 Too late The plane was late and detectives were wa...
@慕溪1 优酷
Sarah2018的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练DAY6-2018-10-13练习材料: [Day 1478 2018-10-13] Lesson 6 Percy Buttons I have just moved to a house in Brid...
练习材料: [Day 1478 2018-10-13] Lesson 6 Percy Buttons I have just moved to a house in Brid...
练习材料: [Day 1477 2018-10-12] Lesson 5 No wrong numbers Mr. James Scott has a garage in S...
@䒚萍 把这句疑问打到优酷就能查出来,不好意思我今天没查这个
Sarah2018的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练DAY4-2018-10-11练习材料: [Day 1476 2018-10-11] Lesson 4 An exciting trip I have just received a letter fro...