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  • 久違的文章

    為何停止 去年初開始進行的BLOG寫作,一共才寫了三篇,就先後遇上家母過世,以及自己身體健康出狀況。雖然半年後接受手術,但也因為後後遺症的困擾,因此毫無心力持續撰寫文章。目前...

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  • I think you can learn English well. As a self-taught English learner, I can share with you my English learning ways. I have watched more than 200 English movies and then I tried to talk with international friends wherever I can see them. One day, I suddenly found that I could do this easily.
    But the way is not the most important, the motivation is. I have to learn English because I know English is my way of making a living, therefore if I don't master it, I will starve and die. Therefore, I don't have a choice but to master it.

    I shared my way of learning English, I hope you can master this international language as well.

    Sum it up.
    First, ask yourself, why you must master English.
    Second, just imitate the English movies you watch. That is it.
    Hope you all the best!

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    報名動機 從學生身分轉變到上班族差不多將近8個年頭。在30歲靠近35歲這兩三年,總有股時間不夠的焦慮感。面對職業,許多東西想學;面對人生,很多東西想做。因此嘗試不少時間...

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    報名動機 上午的課程中,老師有一句話留給我很深的印象,學生畢業進入職場大約4到5年會有股被榨乾的感覺,必須跳出來再進修才會有新的一番成長。這段話聽到的當下十分認同。回顧...
