风吹云散心如洗, 回眸碧空一点晴。 一手推开窗前月, 谁人知是月季开?
风吹云散心如洗, 回眸碧空一点晴。 一手推开窗前月, 谁人知是月季开?
Today we didn't go out, and I mopped the floor this morning, too.We still had a three-h...
八十年代初期,到银行工作,苦练三年打算盘基本功。“二一添作五,三下五除二”。算盘打得炉火纯青,电脑来了,淘汰了祖祖辈辈传承下来的算盘,一手好功夫,废了。 好吧,趁着年轻,咱学...
In the coastal village of Yellow Sea, there was a young boy who was born and raised by ...
The great wheel of history, from your unruly soul, mercilessly rolling over! You walk w...
四季风情中,荷是一个永恒的主题。 从碧叶田田到荷开亭亭,荷塘中叶片交错,刹那芳华,激起无数对白和诗性。 留得残荷,为了听雨。 秋雨泼洒时,荷叶初黄,其声有金属气韵。 步入寒冬...
1.谋大事者,藏于心而行于事。 2.该吃吃,该喝喝,啥事别往心里搁;泡着澡,看着表,能活一秒是一秒。(拿友友的优秀评论用一下) 3.为了在春天里与你相遇,我描摹了五千个青石巷...
本文来源于公众号每天英语演讲,侵权联删 The Jobs of Tomorrow What kind of work do you want to do when you a...
Integrity is the guarantee of the normal operation of society, which can maintain a hea...