内容:2019.4.28The democratic chairman of the committee involved Richard Neal has demanded...

内容:2019.4.28The democratic chairman of the committee involved Richard Neal has demanded...
内容:The final film in the Avengers franchise "Endgame" has become the fastest film to ta...
内容:2019.4.25BBC双语新闻 Tripoli的黎波里(利比亚首都Libyan capital)There has been heavy fighting in so...
内容:因为读书日狂买绘本20本,输入一直是我看重的。你们呢?Top Democrats in the US Congress have rejected a proposal...
内容:A court in Moscow has sentenced a Norwegian to fourteen years in prison on charges o...
内容:2019.4.20BBC双语新Prosecutors in Paris say the blaze that devastated Notre Dame Cathedr...
1. 整体听两遍(如果做真题:先预判,再答题) 2.对照原文,边听边查证生词(如果做真题:核对答案,标记与总结错误原因) 3. 盲听,听一句,停一句,复述一句 4. 对照原文...
内容:4.18BBC双语新闻 感受:如果每一个学生把学习真正当做自己的事情,以提升自己能力为目标,那任何科目的学习都会自觉自律自强吧~主要内容:German prosecut...
时间:晚饭大餐后 内容:泛读2019.4.12BBC双语新闻(London has begun enforcing a scheme to clean up its poll...