Scenario You are on a machine that does not have tr . You want to use tr to quickly edi...

Scenario You are on a machine that does not have tr . You want to use tr to quickly edi...
Question You starts a remote terminal in a linux machine that has network access to a M...
Imperative Way (Optimized) Functional Way (Not Optimized Yet) Functional Way (Optimized)
Background knowledge The formula relation of Kth big and its element position (0-indexe...
ˋˋˋ function partition(nums, left, right) { const pivot = const pivotPos = nums[right]...
It really reminds my course "automata" in the university. How ...
Coding exercise like leetcode, lintcode, hacker rank are just gym rooms for programmers...
Many days ago I showed how to use dynamic programming to solve the stones game question...
JS is incredibly flexible. This is a quick recipe for OOP people. The old way:demo The ...
公司有個需求實現客戶端圖片壓縮上傳。複習一下相關api。 學習回顧 antd-mobile 有個imagePicker的實現,打算去讀一下源碼。但是自己一直在想這個客戶端圖片...
Questions HackerankRotate a string of n characters by k steps. Idea Index Addition A po...
Question Given a string and an offset, rotate string by offset. (rotate from left to ri...
Question from lintcodeThere is a stone game.At the beginning of the game the player pic...
Question from lintcode Given a sequence of integers, find the longest increasing subseq...
Question from lintcode Given a sequence of integers, find the longest increasing subseq...
Question from lintcodeFind the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least...