240 发简信
  • 120
    犯罪心理S11E5 The night watch

    Ghosts werecreated when the first man woke in the night. ——J·M·Barrie 大脑尺寸 R宝说:成人的脑袋的尺...

  • 120
    犯罪心理S11E4 Outlaw

    All sins tend to be addictive,and the terminal point of addictionisdamnation. ——W.H. A...

  • 120
    犯罪心理S11E3 Til death do us apart

    And think not that you can direct the course of love. For love that finds you worthy di...

  • TS38.212

    发端编码 CRC attachment [trBlkCrc, trBlkCrcLen] = pdschCrcEncode(data) TB 和 CRC生成多项式进行二进制除法...