240 发简信
  • Java interview questions

    Here are the top 50 questions viewed by experienced Java developers, alo...

  • exception handling

    In C++, exception handling is a mechanism that allows you to handle exce...

  • pointer vs reference

    pointer can be re-assigned. pointer variable has its own identity: a dis...

    0.4 94 0 1
  • templates

    Template Functions:Function templates allow you to write generic functio...

  • vtable, vptr

    In object-oriented programming, the vtable (virtual method table) and vp...

  • i++ vs ++i

    ++i will increment the value of i, and then return the incremented value...

  • lvalue vs rvalue vs xvalue vs glvalue vs prvalue

    lvalue (locator value): An lvalue (so-called, historically, because lval...

  • RAII

    RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) is a programming technique...