Day6 Luna 1.Materials CPR combines breathing into the victim's mouth and repeated press...
Day6 Luna 1.Materials CPR combines breathing into the victim's mouth and repeated press...
Day5 Luna 1.Materials Without lifesaving measures, the brain starts to die within four ...
Day 4 Luna 1.Materials The heart stops pumping blood. The person stops breathing. 2.Fac...
一。练习材料 Lesson 3 Please send me a card Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, ...
一。练习材料 It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lu...
一.练习材料 Lesson 1 A private conversation Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very go...
8.28 1.Materials 复习了第五天的音标。 2.Truth 复习了模糊的e和u。学习果然还是需要通过大量的重复才能完全掌握啊。 English这个音之前一直觉得自...
AU Adobe Audition是一个专业音频编辑和混合环境,Audition专为在照相室、广播设备和后期制作设备方面工作的音频和视频专业人员设计,可提供先进的音频混合、编...
8.20 1.Materials 复习day3音标 The condition is called cardiac arrest. 2.Truth 复习果然收获不少。第一遍学...
8.19 1.Materials 复习Day1和Day2 的音标 2.Truth 课程结束后从头复习音标,与第一次相比会更关注细节,比如之前混淆的上齿龈、上齿背,硬腭和软腭的...
8.16 1.Materials 强化训练 2.Comments 开营前听是飞速,听到的是零散的单词,现在听是常速,可以听到一些完整的句子。神奇的是重新学音标后感觉语速变慢了...
1.Materials 练习全文并录音 2.Truth 练习全文和发音的虐点不同,主要是节奏比较难把控。前面的短句基本可以跟原音重合,句子稍长后停顿和升降调会有偏差,有时候不...
8.11 1.Materials Doctor Ewy thinks the CPR guidelines should be changed again. He said ...
8.10 1.Materials Studies show that many people do not want to perform mouth-to-mouth br...
8.8 1.Materials Twenty-two percent survived with good brain ability.Only ten percent of...
1.Materials Seven hundred and twelve received CPR. Four hundred and thirty-nine receive...
7.31 1.Materials In all the cases,witnesses saw the event happen.More than one thousand...