Zeynep Tufekci: On Machine Intelligence| TED Talk Video 1: On Machine Intelligence I So...
Zeynep Tufekci: On Machine Intelligence| TED Talk Video 1: On Machine Intelligence I So...
Diana Nyad: Never, Ever Give Up | TED Talk Video 1: Never, Ever Give Up I It's the fift...
Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | TED Talk Video 1: On Procrastin...
JFK Assassination One of the most historic events of the 20th century was the assassina...
观家达公第四案反诘自己:鄙若见其人恶寒,下利,腹痛且里急后重,小便短赤,唯脉不沉而浮;我敢疏桂枝否? 会否以31太阳与阳明合病,必自下利,葛根汤主之;32太阳与阳明合病,不下...
So, where should we go on a vacation? What about Africa? Africa? No, that's not for me....
Are you having any luck finding a new girlfriend? No, I'm not. I haven't found anyone I...
我们都是逆向达尔文主义者,用优势选择去代替自然选择,以期望给与人类更优的选择! 科研的本质是回答what ,can 和how的问题。
We've got a real problem on our hands. We are getting a lot of complaints. About the pr...
关键词:四期,恶风期,发热期,入营期,伤阴期。 叶天士语:在卫汗之可也,到气方可清气,入营犹可透热转气,入血则恐耗血动血,直须凉血散血。
Jack is a psychiatrist, which means he treats people who have mental problems. He has b...
Now that you're studying English at a high level, you need to be able to talk about the...
There are several fundamental forces that hold our universe together. One of these, of ...