By Richard NordquistUpdated March 28, 2019Original Website[

By Richard NordquistUpdated March 28, 2019Original Website[
一般过去时 Past Simple Tense “Used to” is for describing things that happened repeatedly or ...
Most English verbs form their past and past participle by adding –d or –ed to the base ...
Present Simple Tense #语法 #词法 一般现在时可以用来表示现在的状态,习惯性、经常性的动作和事件,客观事实及普遍真理。 Present Continuo...
If it is improperly introduced into the environment, acid-whey runoff can pollute water...
破折号Dash Em dash The em dash is perhaps the most versatile punctuation mark. Depending o...
连字符Hyphen A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that’s used to join words or parts of word...
分号Semicolon The semicolon is sometimes described as stronger than a comma but weaker th...
冒号 Colon Colons can be confusing, that's true, but their function is actually quite str...
句号 Period 句号表示一个句子的结束。 Hockey is a popular sport in Canada.The federal government is ba...
撇号 Apostrophe The apostrophe has two uses: To show the omission of letters To form poss...
标点符号出题频率约11.3%,很重要。这里我们先看看逗号的使用。 逗号Comma 1.逗号用来分隔一系列单词、词组和句子,使用情况如下: 连接两个词或词组 A and ...
哪句有语法错误? Liu Bin is employed at a T. V. station working as a news reporter. Liu Bin wor...
名词从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句等。 翻译以下句子,使用名词从句 学生们对数学的兴趣不如对物理的兴趣,这是显而易见的。 科学家们认为落叶有助于一些树木在冬...
哪里可以有?翻看语法书25-30,看见名词从句可以用在哪里。 些名词从句做什么成分That the earth is round is known to everyone.W...
Word 基本的同义词替换推荐 基本的语法和拼写检测 如何获得 Grammarly[]...
Markdown是一种纯文本格式的标记语言。通过简单的标记语法,它可以使普通文本内容具有一定的格式。 相比WYSIWYG编辑器 优点:1、因为是纯文本,所以只要支持Markd...
故宫博物院将举行盛大展览Landmarkexhibitionto open at Palace Museum Landmark 1. a building or place ...