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  • fare

    英英释义:to perform in a specified way in a particular situation or over a particular perio...

  • 120


  • 120


  • 2019-01-23

    在意大利时装品牌 Dolce & Gabbana 发布自己饱受争议的粗俗广告后,很多中国艺人决定不再和它合作。 (参考翻译:After Italian fashion bra...

  • 2019-01-22

    1)翻译下面的句子: 约翰本来想找一个信封,但没想到读起了一些旧时的信件。 John was looking for an envelope and got sidetrac...

  • prone

    超重人群容易患高血压和高血糖。 overweight people are prone to high blood pressure and high blood sugar...

  • adept

    Tom 不仅擅长写作,还擅长拍电影。 Tom is not only adept at writing,but also good at making the film. (...

  • iconic

    在阿汤哥(Tome Cruise)近 40 年的职业生涯中,他扮演过许多经典角色。 Tom Cruise has players many iconic characters...

  • Commonplace

    去国外度假已经变得越来越平常。 Holiday abroad is becoming commonplace. (参考翻译:Foreign vacations have be...

  • hesitant

    词:hesitant 英英释义:uncertain about what to do or say because you are nervous or unwilling ...

  • Aforementioned

    词:aforementioned 英英释义:mentioned before in an earlier part of a document, article, book ...

  • cut-throat

    英英释义:a cut-throat activity or situation is one in which people behave in an unfair or i...

  • 2019-01-03

    “instrumental”来自名词 “instrument”(乐器),除了表示与乐器演奏有关的意思外,它还常用来表示“有帮助的” “起作用的”。我们很多时候都可以用它来替换...