VTMagic的使用介绍VTMagic 有很多开发者曾尝试模仿写出类似网易、腾讯等应用的菜单分页组件,但遍观其设计,大多都比较粗糙,不利于后续维护和扩展。琢磨良久,最终决定开源这个耗时近两年打磨而成...
Vagrant搭建虚拟化开发环境Vagrant 简介 Vagrant 是一款用来构建虚拟开发环境的工具,非常适合 php/python/ruby/java 这类语言开发 web 应用,“代码在我机子上运行没...
From Making a Gesture-Driven To-Do List App Like Clear in Swift: Part 1/2
Auto resize text label sizeEditor > Size to Fit Content
size is the container's size.
Add UIViewController to a scroll view Visual alignment for the views
Updating the Display Name of Your App Updating the Display Name of Your App Change Bund...
iphone - UICollectionView Select and Deselect issue - Stack Overflow I had a Deselect i...
extension for String extension for UIColor