240 发简信
  • @明媚不悲伤 谢谢!😛

    Tramping the Street

    I spent all day tramping the street, and saw someone cutting down a tree, someone clean...

  • @明媚不悲伤 一个词一个词地翻译还是可以的,连在一起翻译出来就没有感觉了😂,大概是:
    大概这样😂😂😂 见笑🙈

    Tramping the Street

    I spent all day tramping the street, and saw someone cutting down a tree, someone clean...

  • @Tanasy 还行还行😁

    Tramping the Street

    I spent all day tramping the street, and saw someone cutting down a tree, someone clean...

  • @明媚不悲伤 我自己也不会翻译呀🙈

    Tramping the Street

    I spent all day tramping the street, and saw someone cutting down a tree, someone clean...

  • Tramping the Street

    I spent all day tramping the street, and saw someone cutting down a tree, someone clean...