mac下mongodb的安装和使用(使用终端操作)首先熟悉两个相关的基本概念: **mongod 是用来连接到mongodb数据库服务器的,即服务器端。mongo 是用来启动MongoDB shell的,是mongodb...
mac下mongodb的安装和使用(使用终端操作)首先熟悉两个相关的基本概念: **mongod 是用来连接到mongodb数据库服务器的,即服务器端。mongo 是用来启动MongoDB shell的,是mongodb...
首先熟悉两个相关的基本概念: **mongod 是用来连接到mongodb数据库服务器的,即服务器端。mongo 是用来启动MongoDB shell的,是mongodb...
Fully Convolutional Networks summary (easy to understand): 卷积神经网络CNN(3)—— FCN(Fully Con...
Assume remote ssh account is Alice@remote_ip_address Use ssh to log into remote server...
Make a summary every week with project partner.Ask several questions:what is NB.
page size: typically ~100 KB, extreme 256 MB First question: row store or column store?...
1. 排序的mask获取 应用场景:KNN中给定dataset X, Y, 在X中寻找dist最小的那几个的index然后到Y中去获取label。 Given a 2D ma...
坑:用来做(page id)<=>(pagePtr)映射的map有两种实现,一种是map (内部红黑树,排序map相当于pq)unordered_map(hashmap)。后...
Refs: https://gregable.com/2007/10/reservoir-sampling.html http://blog.jobbole.com/4255...
Disk failures Typically as DBMS imp, we assume second storage just works . classic reco...
Memory management in DBs. As databases designer, you don't trust the os. Includes Memor...
Leetcode 757 Set Intersection Size At Least Two https://leetcode.com/articles/set-inter...
Functional Requirements: User can search a restaurant based on restaurant name. Then us...
今天正式开始上Statistical Machine learning。 需要配置Pythonhttps://conda.io/docs/user-guide/getting...
Storage layer: Two types of storage (not b+ tree, that's 2-3 steps up for indexing) HDD...
assignment 0 (warm up) requires using class template to implement a stack. 有关内存分配:Node ...
class definition example: Keyword this 关键字:thisThe keyword this represents a pointer to...
What are key design goals when building a DBMS? support recovery from failures.storage ...
279. Perfect Squares image.png参考: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/minimum-number-of-squar...
马上要学compiler construction和Database implementation两门课,用的是C/C++这是上课前预习/复习C/C++的笔记: Overlo...