240 发简信
  • 798 出远门

    It’s getting late . Sweet dreams ! 昨天早上6点出门,乘6:30的动车去上海虹桥火车站。 下了火车,顺着2号航站楼的方向一直走,购票上地铁。...

  • 797 圆

    Circle 圆圈Draw a circle 画一个圆 round 圆The child was watching it all with big round ey...

  • 795 talk to

    If everyone is here , we can start the test . Listen , please ! When the test starts , ...

  • 794 turn on

    I am trying to turn on my computer, but it’s not working . Who turned on the TV . 好久没出...

  • 793 Cafeteria

    To work in pairs is to work in a group of two people . Hot and cold food is available i...

  • 792 Adventure

    From now on , I gonna say yes , yes to love , yes to adventure , yes to life .从现在开始,我要积...

  • 791 upset

    When he's upset , he always goes shopping .当他不高兴时 , 他总是去购物 。 生老病死,养儿防老,好像世事本该如此。但生活不是电影...

  • 790 ocean

    The plane hit the ocean several miles off shore .飞机在距海岸线数英里的地方坠入大海 。 成龙又要出新片了,自然褒贬不一。 说...

  • 786 Feel

    How do you feel ?你感觉如何 ? Do you feel happy today ?你今天感觉开心吗? 道德与良心是做人的底线。 当暴力直白代替了花前月下风花...

  • 785 Loud

    Your dog is too loud .你的狗太大声了 。 If something makes a lot of noise , it is loud .Loud me...

  • 784 makeup

    She never wears makeup .她从来不化妆 。 Put on some makeup .画个妆吧。 I will make it up to you .我会...

  • 783  Enough

    We don't have too many apples , but we don’t need more apples .We have enough . Did you...

  • 782 Have …

    Have a look 看一看Have a taste 尝一尝Have a try 试一试Have a listen 听一听Have a break 休息一...

  • 781 piss

    Leave me alone . 走开 。 Get out of my face . 滚开 。 Take a hike . 哪儿凉快呆哪儿去 。 You piss me...

  • 780 Address

    What is your home address ?你家的地址是什么 。 This apartment won’t be available until March .这个...

  • 779 连读

    Would have been a gift .再好不过了。(读作:物的/ 冰了/ gift) Could have been a lot worse . 本来可要差劲得多 ...

  • 778 Upstairs

    Do you want to go upstairs ?你想要去楼上吗 ? Walk upstairs ,and then you will see the bathroom...
