Each kind of related objects is defined in this method as an array with the following e...
Each kind of related objects is defined in this method as an array with the following e...
CAccessRule 的 isUserMatched protected function isUserMatched($user) { if(empty($this->u...
类型 CModelBehavior 的 events:afterConstructbeforeValidateafterValidate CActiveRecordBehav...
A flash message is available only in the current and the next requests. 实际上,Yii::app()-...
md5.js base64.js sha1.js 参考: http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5/index.html http://www.cnbl...
错误代码示例: 在JavaScript控制表单提交submit()的时候,submit是个保留关键字。如果form表单中含有name="submit"(常见于按钮上),提交时...
错误代码如下: 报错信息如下: 引用PHP手册: PS: 正确代码如下:
话说那年,三月正减肥,饥饿很伤悲,我脑中时常浮现哈林的歌词——最简单也最困难(来自《蛋炒饭》)。言归正传,问题出处是下面的代码: 当$row=FALSE时误中了count函数...
****注意事项****php5.3或以上,且为线程安全版本。apache和php使用的编译器必须一致。通过phpinfo()查看Thread Safety为enabled则...