题目 Task You are at start location [0, 0] in mountain area of NxN and you can only move ...
题目 Task You are at position [0, 0] in maze NxN and you can only move in one of the four...
题目 Task You are at position [0, 0] in maze NxN and you can only move in one of the four...
题目 Task You are given a string s. Every letter in s appears once. Consider all strings ...
题目 For a given list [x1, x2, x3, ..., xn] compute the last (decimal) digit of x1 ^ (x2 ...
题目 If n is the numerator and d the denominator of a fraction, that fraction is defined ...
题目 The Vigenère cipher is a classic cipher originally developed by Italian cryptographe...
题目 When we attended middle school were asked to simplify mathematical expressions like ...
题目 You are given a binary tree: Your task is to return the list with elements from tree...
题目 Your objective is to complete a function createSpiral(N) that receives an integer N ...
题目 The makeLooper() function (make_looper in Python) takes a string (of non-zero length...
题目 Create a function that transforms any positive number to a string representing the n...
题目 In this kata we want to convert a string into an integer. The strings simply represe...
题目 Your task in this Kata is to emulate text justification in monospace font. You will ...
题目 Given a Sudoku data structure with size NxN, N > 0 and √N == integer, write a method...
题目 A Hamming number is a positive integer of the form 2i3j5k, for some non-negative int...
题目 How many ways can you make the sum of a number? From wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia...
题目 To give credit where credit is due: This problem was taken from the ACMICPC-Northwes...
题目 In this kata, your task is to create a regular expression capable of evaluating bina...