240 发简信
  • 楼主“Thank you for your response. Your call with an Apple Representative is confirmed. An Apple Representative will call you within the next 3 to 5 business days from today to discuss your app.

    Regarding of 5.2.1, since the app provides financial service, the app must be published under a seller name and company name that reflects the official financial institution name.”你们是这个问题吗?怎么解决的?谢谢

    ios审核被拒3.2.1 (原5.2.1,PLA1.2)

    这个问题在19大之前是PLA1.2, 19大之后变成了5.2.1,最近变成了3.2.1 (2018-1-3) 无数个被拒的夜晚下总结出来的经验, 一个人跟苹果审核团队斗智斗勇...

  • 120

    2017年最新企业开发账号申请流程 一.首先获取D-U-N-S码 1. 进入https://developer.apple.com,然后点...