240 发简信
  • 博士申请八卦

    主要聊聊刚刚结束的博士申请期间的一些points与周遭的八卦 1. 毋庸置疑的是现在申请推荐信尤其是有networking的推荐信才是重中之重,所以暑研抑或海外毕设几乎成了标...

  • 《未来简史》The Brief History of Tomorrow

    The book mainly talks about how science and technology change the ideology and trajecto...

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    看了李宏毅老师的深度强化学习视频,决定总结一下这两块的知识,感觉之前还是没接触过的。 视频链接:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av247240...

  • Molecular mechanism of gene regulation and the difficulty for theoretical modelling

    Transcription of specific genes can be specified by particular combinations of the roug...

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    Waddington's metaphor kicked off the principle of self-organization in biology

    A decade later, the central dogma of molecular biology , established the molecular basi...