字词 1 Rodrick got off scot free. 释义 免受伤害 免受处罚 造句 My olde sister was do a bad thing, but ...
字词 1 I saw that Rowley accidentally left his diary on the bench. 释义 意外的 偶然的 造句 Bill acc...
字词 1 My butt print was on diaplay in Mrs. Gonzales 's room. 释义 展示 展览 陈列 展现 造句 I can't d...
字词 1 When your child is being deceptive . 释义 欺诈的 虚伪的 迷惑的 造句 Bill always praises you, I ...
字词 1 It turned out this kid wasn't from Rowley's party. 释义 结果是 被发现是 造句 It might turn ou...
字词 1 I had to protent like I didn't notice . 释义 假装 伪装 佯装 造句 A thief protend to be a com...
字词 1 Mom and Dad have always been super protective of manny 释义 关切保护的 爱护备至的 造句 My mom is...
字词 1 He brought a bunch of pictures from his trip with him. 释义 一堆 一群 一束 造句 There are a ...
字词 1 So we make up our own sceret language 释义 编造 弥补 组成 补足 造句 Twelve boys make up the ou...
词组 1 He goes upstairs to the bathroom and camp out there for an hour 释义 长时间驻留 蹲守 造句 Bec...
词 1 So I guess Dad's still waiting for me to live up to my potential 释义 不辜负 无愧于 做到 符合 ...