好咧,昨天刚炫耀完全勤,人设就崩塌了,在妹妹家睡个电热毯,舒服到完全忘记是星期一早上要起来听课! 然后呢,在白天奔波了一整天准备结婚事宜的情况下,跟妹妹打着的都睡着的情况下,...

好咧,昨天刚炫耀完全勤,人设就崩塌了,在妹妹家睡个电热毯,舒服到完全忘记是星期一早上要起来听课! 然后呢,在白天奔波了一整天准备结婚事宜的情况下,跟妹妹打着的都睡着的情况下,...
Materials 新概念小组长的分享! Facts 突然发现,这期的每次课都上了,是个不小的进步呢! Comments 听了小组长的分享,特别强烈的感觉就是要坚定自己的目标...
Materials 全篇文章朗读,找抑扬顿挫的感觉! Facts 打坐一整天,早晨到晚上9点,腰疼到只想摊着,文章都是第二天补补的! Comments 到了尾声了,都伴随着特...
Materials The American Heart Association says about ninety-five percent of victims die ...
Materials Doctor Ewy thinks the CPR guidelines should be changed again. He said the hea...
Materials He says this would save lives. Studies show that many people do not want to p...
Materials It said people should increase the number of chest presses from fifteen to th...
原材料引用(Materials): It said people should increase the number of chest presses from fifte...
Materials Twenty-two percent survived with good brain ability. Only ten percent of the ...
Materials The researchers say any kind of CPR improved chances of the patient's surviva...
Materials 712 received CPR. 439 received chest presses only. No mouth-to-mouth rescue b...
Materials In all the cases,witnesses saw the event happen.More than 1000 of the victims...
Materials Doctors in Tokyo led the research.It examined more than 4000 people who had s...
Materials The study was published in the British medical magazine, The Lancet. /ðə/ /ˈs...
小花君🎃 “冬练三九”ScalersTalk第七期晨读 Day.11Materials However, a new Japanese study questions the usefulness of mouth-to-mouth brea...
Materials However, a new Japanese study questions the usefulness of mouth-to-mouth brea...
Materials CPR keeps blood and oxygen flowing to the heart and brain. /siː-piː-ɑr/ /kiːp...