自从发现了一个B站宝藏up主,这段时间一直在学习他的专栏,叫星荣零基础英语,他在用一种看似简单但很有效的方法教英语,带领大家造句子。 其中,他提到一个观点,三分学七分忆,对我...
自从发现了一个B站宝藏up主,这段时间一直在学习他的专栏,叫星荣零基础英语,他在用一种看似简单但很有效的方法教英语,带领大家造句子。 其中,他提到一个观点,三分学七分忆,对我...
Fear, treachery, blood lust. Thousands of years ago these were the forces that ruled ou...
Good afternoon. Thank you all. So let me say, and I love you back, and I love you back....
I want a big life . I want to experience everything. I want to break every single rule ...
If you wanna help someone, the best way to help someone is not to give them advice, but...
Let's not be hard on ourselves along the way. Be gentle. Because life's hard enough. Do...
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ,ulterior motives, be kind anyway. Wh...
最近两次我光顾采摘园 端午节假期又去了采摘园 吃到了久违的自然香甜的小西红柿 真是太好吃了 商家慷慨地给了这个品种的秧苗 我回来之后立刻栽种起来 原本是预留种植香菜和菠菜的耕...
Language is so much more than a bunch of words you need to memorize. Try exploring the ...
Start seeing language as a process, not as a finish line. Compare language learning to ...
女儿远在异国他乡,本来有稳定的工作,丰厚的收入, 但是她经过认真思考,越来越觉得现有的工作和生活模式不是自己想要的。 于是女儿最近在考虑,打算按照她自己的心愿,做自己喜欢的事...
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary When troubles come and my heart burdened be Th...
When I was thirteen. I started writing my own songs. I discovered a deep satisfaction o...
I want to retire by the time I’m forty five with three million dollars I want to have a...
Recently, I have been immersed in a kind of happiness, that is, my beloved and I will g...
最近一直沉浸一种快乐中,那就是我和爱人将在4月20日去北京参加张学友演唱会。 这是远在洛杉矶的女儿送给爸爸的礼物,因为爸爸是张学友的歌迷,在年轻时就非常喜欢。我是借光也一同参...
I have benefited a lot from playing sports when I was young, I truly believe that sport...
清明假期期间,朋友们相聚,大家都夸我看起来身体更健康了,人也更精神了。另外三位朋友明显体重超标,每个人身体都有好多毛病。 经过聊天,我了解到她们都是睡眠很不好。于是我便认真地...