Education is the very thing that we want to receive. Our parents send us to school so a...
Education is the very thing that we want to receive. Our parents send us to school so a...
初中英语作文大全:Good of Being a Student 当学生的好处 初中165字 Many students complain that it's difficu...
I want to be a teacher in the future, because I think teacher is a good job. My teacher...
A good teacher-student relationship is vital to both learning and teaching. Teachers...
考试的价值 The Value of Exams 初中111字 Exam is necessary for every students. Chinese parents t...
In order to make our class and school better, we must obey some rules. We have to go ...
Food is important to us. We should not waste food. But in school, some people don't r...
I want to invent an environmental robot. It can help us sort rubbish. The city is too...
My Free Time I have a lot of things to do in my free time. Usually I take exercise a...
我的朋友,听到疑问,你会冥思苦想,编造一大摞故事?还是会和我一样,望着那堵神圣而不可侵犯似的白墙,回忆起格式化学习生活,起床,吃饭,上学。好不无趣。 我苦恼地问妈妈:“怎样才...
健康是你最大的财富 一个人最重要的是金钱吗、是豪宅吗、是权势吗、是漂亮的脸蛋吗?都不是!而是健康。健康不是一切,但失去了健康,就会失去一切。如果李连杰失去健康就不可能有...
窗外的那棵树,经过风雨的洗礼更加旺盛,枝繁叶茂。它说:“风雨中,我心依旧。”坐在窗前的我,思绪纷飞,回到一年前。 图片发自简书App 八年级时,我们总是嘻嘻哈哈,成绩...
听,那动人的声音 那是冥冥中的注定吗?在诗词的国度里徘徊,我竟然邂逅了蒋捷的《虞美人·听雨》。无法摆脱的,我在它营造的情境里缠绵。那一滴滴的雨声,穿透了历史的云烟,在我心的世...
那一刻,我没有停下匆匆的脚步,因为我不想回头。 今天是考试的日子,母亲拎着我的书包在人与人之间狭小的缝隙中努力穿梭,额上浮现了细小的汗水,却丝毫不影响她的动作。母亲是个急性子...