Like a stray cat being adopted You now have a home where you are protected Unlike a str...
Like a stray cat being adopted You now have a home where you are protected Unlike a str...
I long to see you My beloved child Maybe you do not know how much I long to see you May...
With all the joy you have given me I just want to say that apart from you All sorts of ...
慢慢长大的过程 似乎很多事情都在自动过滤 连一些人都会离开 或者随着岁月流走了 时而伤感 舍不得那慢慢的回忆 时而放胆 潇洒地说一句 一切都会更好的 而在某些特别的时候 一次...
把你拥有的东西放在一起 可以凌乱 可以整齐 就如你心里的思绪 也许千丝万缕 又或安静舒适 花一些时间去收拾 更新自己的生活 洗涤自己的心灵 告诉自己 过去可以美丽 现在更需珍...