1.He didn't have the backbone and gave up the scholarship application at the last minut...

1.He didn't have the backbone and gave up the scholarship application at the last minut...
1.The Economist has wide appeal for students who want to improve their English writing ...
1.The essence of star-ups is rapidly growth. 2. The essence of football is teamwork. 足球...
1.The new electric car will have an edge over its rivals. 2.场景:他的丰富经验使得他比其他同事有优势。 He ha...
1.The decision is a trade-off between efficiency and cost. 2.There must be a trade-off ...
1.Creative minds tend to challenge and even deviate from the norm, rather than conform ...
1.Exchange of gossip can efficiently cement a friendship. 2.共同的爱好可以增进关系。 Shared hobbies...
1. People are often swayed by ads and buy lots of unnecessary things. 2.青少年经常被潮流影响。 You...
1.The government has gradually toughened regulations and punishments on car-hailing ser...
1.翻译: Cui Yongyuan’s agreesive acts and bold comments has invited much trouble. 2.场景:华尔...
1.Success should not be gauged merely by wealth or popularity. 2.一个好教练可以很快判断学习者的问题。 A g...
1.The experienced writers always factor in their writing purpose and readers. 2.在扑克游戏中,...
1.Sanlitun is marked by numerous fashion brand and west food restaurants. 2.场景:广州以美食出名。...
1.翻译:IELTS enables examiners to know their English proficiency. 2.场景:这项新技术让医生能尽快查出疾病。 T...
1.翻译:His decision can be justified from an economic point of view but can hardly be mor...
1.翻译:Against all the odds, true love always prevails. 2.场景:长期来看,投资能力会比运气更重要. 翻译:In the ...
1.翻译:Fluency in a foreign language can translate into an edge in the work place. 2.场景:对...
1.翻译:This coffee shop boasts the best Latte in town. 2.场景:苹果公司拥有最好的手机. Apple boasts the...
1.翻译:As artificial intelligence advances, concerns loom. 2.场景:当人年纪增长,健康问题慢慢浮出水面。 场景:As ...
1.翻译:This September saw the launch of apple’s new products. 2.场景:这个广场见证了盛大的庆典。 This squ...