240 发简信
  • [Paper Notes] Halide: Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules for High-Performance Image processing.

    Abstract of the idea:It makes abstract language of the array operations in the image pr...

  • [Paper Notes] Cache Me If You Can

    Although the P2P design is theoretically the most scalable, there are several practical...

  • Why Events Are A Bad Idea (for high-concurrency servers)

    Major idea: Using event in the server is not really good for throughput, it actually re...

  • Communications of ACM 2018 Jan

    Smartphone ScienceIn this article, there are several mobile device based applications a...

  • 120

    0 这些是我这几天重新看了几本金庸的小说,写的一些杂感,比较零乱,万请海涵。 1 金庸的小说里有一个特点就是“你永远不能和你最爱的人在一起,就算在一起了也没有好下场”——陈家...