240 发简信
  • 2021-11-15

    sybarite noun:a person who indulges in luxury Despite the fact that he’d maxed out fift...

  • 2021-08-15

    The following appeared in a letter from the owner of the Sunnyside Towers apartment com...

  • 2021-08-14

    0738 The following appeared in a health newsletter. "A ten-year nationwide study of the...

  • 暴躁

    最近变得比较暴躁 总会莫名的生气 老公拿苹果给我吃,没有削皮 我就想要骂他踢他 削皮太厚就让他把皮吃了 给我盛的面若菜太少,不吃 离我太近,就一脚踢开 无缘无故的,就像踢他踹...

  • 0411

    0411 每天单词复习,看完了《英文写作规范。va3/28,2/41 接下来继续单词复习。准备看 onwritingwell,每周5篇作文。每篇计时不限字数。后期30分钟限制...