笔尖:Hunt 22B 墨水:Walnut 信笔涂鸦,还请多多指教 The Road Not Taken 《少有人走的路》 And both that morning equ...

笔尖:Hunt 22B 墨水:Walnut 信笔涂鸦,还请多多指教 The Road Not Taken 《少有人走的路》 And both that morning equ...
好久没更新了,其实我没懒得画,是懒得码字了,自己都看不下去,接下来更新几篇头像画。 录的视频,截取的过程,让大伙儿参考~倒序,可以从下往上看。 这幅是有偿为朋友女儿画的,用的...
笔尖:Hunt 22B 墨水:Walnut 信笔涂鸦,还请多多指教 The Road Not Taken 少有人走的路 Two roads diverged in a yel...
笔尖:Hunt 22B 墨水:Walnut 信笔涂鸦,还请多多指教 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (1923) —— Robert...
笔尖:Hunt 22B 墨水:Walnut 信笔涂鸦,还请多多指教 If the day is done, if birds sing no more, if the win...
笔尖:Hunt 22B 墨水:Walnut 信笔涂鸦,还请多多指教 Give me the strength lightly to bear my joys and sorr...
笔尖:Hunt 22B 墨水:Walnut 信笔涂鸦,还请多多指教 When grace is lost from life, come with a burst of so...
笔尖:Hunt 22B 墨水:Walnut 手抖了...... 写得不好,请多包涵~ Winter Scene By Archie Randolph Ammons There...
笔尖:Hunt 22B 墨水:Walnut 信笔涂鸦,还请多多指教 I have had my invitation to this world's festival, an...
英文圆体字练习 2019.2.28笔尖:Hunt 22B 墨水:Walnut 信笔涂鸦,还请多多指教 I offer you whatever insight my books may hold. whate...