240 发简信
  • unit 1 2

    unit 1 unit2 precious consume preciousness consumption precise dispute precisely exchan...

  • type_codes

    /* cut the blank */ message=' java '; print(message.lstrip()); print(message.rstrip());...

  • 锦囊妙计

    1.最后一天 收拾得干干净净 整理得井井有条 2. | 你觉得解决的办法是什么? | | 可以...吗? | | 我现在改怎么办呢? | 3.书房 4.热心 5.性是美好的

  • What is the difference between living in a house and an apartment?

    Sure thing! Living in a house gives you lots of room to spread out and do your thing. A...

  • How can children help their parents at home?

    Absolutely, kids can totally chip in at home! They can start by keeping their own rooms...

  • temp

    • 现在已经可以用软件实现传统WAN硬件设备的功能,基于软件的设备能够实时分析流量并做出明智的决策。还可以使用宽带和通用x86硬件或虚拟机(VM)创建大规模的overlay网...