(1)longitude n.经度 Eg.What line of longitude are the Falkland Islands located on? (2)loo...

(1)longitude n.经度 Eg.What line of longitude are the Falkland Islands located on? (2)loo...
(1)limp a.1.软弱的,无生气的,无精神的;2.软的,松沓的 vi.一瘸一拐地走,蹒跚 n.跛行 Eg.Sarah has a very limp handshake...
(1)lavish a.1.过分丰富的,无节制的;2.过分慷慨的,浪费的 vt. (on,upon)慷慨地给予,挥霍 Eg.Indeed, it was a very lav...
(1)kidney n. 肾,肾脏 Eg. It may be your kidneys , let me check. (2)kin n. [总称]亲属,家属 Who is...
(1)jolt vt. 1。使颠簸,使摇晃;2。使震惊 vi. 颠簸,摇晃 n. 1。震动,摇动,颠簸;2。震惊 Eg. No, it just got a slight j...
(1)irrespective a. (of)不考虑的,不顾及的 Eg. Irrespective of the weather, I think we should sti...
(1)intricate a.错综复杂的,复杂精细的 Eg.The details in the painting are exceptionally intricate. ...
(1)intercourse n.交流,交往,交际 Eg.The conference facilitated intercourse with many groups of...
(1)insulate vt.1.使绝缘,使隔热,使隔音;2.隔离,使隔绝(以免受到影响) Eg. Perhaps you need to insulate it bette...
(1)inmate n.(狱中的)囚徒,(精神病院等中的)被收容者 Eg.The prison inmates were protesting because of thei...
(1)inflate vt.1.使充气,使膨胀;2.使得意,使骄傲;3.抬高(物价),使(通货)膨胀 Eg.Can you help me inflate this ball...
(1)indebted a.感激的,受惠的,蒙恩的 Eg.I will be eternally indebted to my parents for giving me a...
(1)implicit a.1.不言明的,含蓄的;2.(in)内含的,固有的;3.无疑问的,无保留的 Eg.A: Do you think I will be able to...
(1)imitation n.1.模仿;2.仿制,仿制品;3.赝品 Eg.Is that the real painting or just an imitation? (2...
(1)humidity n.湿度,潮湿,湿气 Eg.The humidity reached almost ninety five percent. (2)humiliate...
(1)abbreviation n.缩写, 缩写词 Eg.What is NY an abbreviation for ? (2)abide vt. 容忍 abide by遵...
(1)censor vt. 审查,检查(新闻、书刊、电影、信件、电报等) Eg.The books were censored. (2)cereal n.(常用复数)谷物、谷...
(1)contextual adj.上下文的;前后关系的 Eg.Use any contextual clues available to you to begin to u...
(1)compensate v.赔偿 compensate for 弥补 赔偿表示补偿还有一个短语make up for。 Eg.He promises to compens...
(1)crippling a. 有严重后果的,此指费用高昂的 Eg.He was burdened with crippling debts. (2)formidable a...