240 发简信
  • 2021-08 17

    Both parents of thefamily always take an important role in child upbringing. A resilien...

  • 2021-07 27

    Nowadays, as the advanced technology is developing swiftly, the computer translating ...

  • 2021-08-03

    In the past couple of decades, the world began to develop faster than an...

  • 狂野飙车8 and 狂野飙车9成就 H2 研发重启提车 M+2050 1500代笔跳最后一关总花费:4000代笔。 喜提假牛(节日) 怒提千年牛(spinning wheel...

  • 120

    The bar chart shows the telephone call's time of the citizens in the UK between 1995 an...

  • 200121-1

    Some people believe that high school teachers should force students to be a volunteer. ...

  • 旅行是否有助于学习

    没有 让步:增长见识 开阔视野。 原因:1记不住 2不需要 3浪费时间 举例:学习计算机科学 Nowadays, is travel really necessary for...

  • 我不再害怕考试

    我不再害怕考试 以前的我,一到考试就害怕!害怕在考场里不会做题,害怕考卷上的空白,害怕成绩出来后成绩不好,害怕一切的一切。所以,我讨厌考试。 但那一次以后,我不再害怕...

  • 瀑布

    瀑布 我去过很多的地方,记忆最深的就是春溪Springbrook国家森林公园里的Twin Fall双子瀑布了。 行过一段弯弯曲曲的山路,我们把车停在了停车场,然后开始徒...

  • 难忘的经历

    难忘的日子 我经历过许多难忘的日子,可是令我最难忘的,是我四岁时第一次去自然博物馆。 那一天,爸爸妈妈开车带我去...

  • pain for Billy

    Bily is a boy who loves singing, in fact, he has the strongest brain in music. But when...

  • Maine

    Maine is a state near the US, 90% of the land in Maine is forested, so that is why this...

  • 我爱上了看书

    前苏联作家高尔基曾经说过:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”他是想告诉我们读书是非常重要的一件事情,读书也会让人进步。我喜欢这句名言,因为它让我深深地爱上了读书。 每一次学习完当天的...

  • 2020-01-05

    成长的感觉是什么?是辛酸?是苦涩?是快乐?还是…… 暮然回首,我在这新年之际就将跨入十四岁了,初中这个字眼已经常常挂在我们嘴边。曾几何时,我以为初中是多么神圣,可是,真正到了...

  • how do corns spread to Euorope

    People of America has first started planting crops 4700 years ago. Even now, the US sti...

  • 20200104 writing复习

    In recent years, there is a controversial issue about ___ has launched a heated debate....